DESPERATELY seeking 5K training buddies

My kids stayed in their matching Christmas jammies all day on Friday. It was a first. We played with new toys and read books until it was time to go to bed again. One benefit is that transitions such as “getting ready in the morning” and “getting ready for bed” are noticeably smoother when nobody has to change all those pesky clothes.

On the down side, we did get a little stir crazy.

Luckily, our monotony of family togetherness was briefly interrupted by occasional tweets and a visit from my best gal pal, Whitney, and her astronaut-uniform clad (with talking helmet!!) son, Julian.

We exchanged holiday gifts and swapped snow pants while Julian and Holden stomped around the living room talking about Santa and their individual hauls.

As Whitney pulled out of my driveway, she hollered back, “hey, what race did you commit us to?”

Oh yeah, twitter, I nearly forgot.

Earlier in the day, I tweeted agreement that running a 5k with some other bloggers would be fine and dandy. My actual words were:

We can do that, right? Sure, we don’t run in any way now, but we have a few months to get 5k-ready. Besides, now my second gift to Whit can be the clutter-free pledge to train for a 5k run with her.

At last check, we’re seeking a 5k run to coincide with Kristen Chase’s upcoming visit to the Bay area to celebrate tech Mama’s new jogging routine and we’ve added a few a lot more #shredheads to the mix. here are the players I know about so far: @mublogger, @techmama, @mrsflinger, @sugarjones, @KariDahlen, and @linseyk.

We can do this, right? any individual else want to join us for the challenge?

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