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I am reaching out for assist from my buddies I satisfied with the blogosphere. If you have been complying with my blog for a while you may already understand that my household has been hit extremely difficult from the housing dilemma as well as the economy. If you haven’t been complying with my personal story I will share it with you briefly.
Shortly after I started healthy moms in 2007 my hubby had to leave his job. A few months later we lost our house in Wisconsin to foreclosure. I left my friends, family, as well as my whole world in Wisconsin to move out to Sacramento California where my husband’s household lives. We moved into a small three bedroom home in a hardship stricken, high criminal offense neighborhood. Our house is lease free since it belongs to my husband’s grandmother.
My hubby was out of work for about a year. lastly a few months back he took a new task with meal Network. He’s been trying for many years to get that task as well as for when we believed there was hope for us. Today meal Network revealed that they are closing offices all across the country next month. They are only leaving four offices open in the US. Chris’ last day is November 13. Yes, Friday the 13th.
The task market out right here in California is not pretty. however he is going to try his finest to discover work. In the meantime I requirement to bust my butt with healthy moms as well as make a decent living for my family, however I requirement your help.
If you believe that health and wellness as well as wellness is important as well as we requirement to teach our kids about diet, exercise, nutrition as well as healthy living then please assist me. If you believe that we requirement to take care of ourselves, physically, psychologically as well as spiritually not only for ourselves however for our children, then please assist me. This is the philosophy of healthy moms as well as the reason why I started this website. I requirement your assist to spread our message. I have huge dreams for this website however I requirement your help.
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Please share our link with your friends. blog about our site. assist me to reach over 1000 subscribers. assist me to get over 1000 unique visitors per day. That is all I need, together with the prayers for my family.
My blog is going to be the only source of earnings for my household as well as I am scared to death.
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