Developing reading routines in children

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Gaming consoles, Internet, texting – with so lots of distracting options that surround the lives of children nowadays, it’s common to notice neatly-stacked booksladen with heaps of dust because kids cannot be bothered with books in their complimentary time, partly due to lack of sufficient time and majorly due to lack of interest in reading. 


Children who shrink away from reading were one of my greatest fears back then, when my kid was merely 3 years old. An avid reader that I am, taking chances in this matter was the risk I couldn’t afford. 


Reading breeds smarter kids and compromising on this aspect of my child’s personality would’ve been a very tough thing for me to make peace with.

Knowing this, I tried the ideas given below that you may also carry out to beat any minor possibility of your child turning into a non-reader: 


Make a separate reading room – keep this room to be somewhat isolated from the rest of the rooms at home, if possible. A peaceful area and a comfortable décor encouraged Ron to explore the books without much pestering. Although he started with 15-20 minutes of stay in the room, his duration begin to increase with time. I only had to make sure initially that he gets in the room for a few minutes every day. 


Read Aloud From Tender Years – daily story telling sessions can be very appealing for children, especially if you try to make alive the whole experience by changing your tones and expressions according to proper situations as the story proceeds. 


I remember ordering one of the storybook or fairytale costumes from Wizard of Oz and dressing up as the wicked witch during one story telling session when Ron’s friends came for a sleepover on his birthday. kids love such stuff and it just makes them a lot more curious about the story. You may not do it every day, of course. but you can always use a special occasion.

Buy books Together– There’s no need for you to fret over the fact that your child picks up a book that’s too easy for their age. Don’t interfere with their choice. let him read books that he enjoys. developing their liking for reading must be your primary focus here. 

You may suggest them to try the first book of any popular children’s literature series. Ron started on with Harry Potter and is still crazy for it till date. beginning with a series will keep them hooked and motivate them to pick the sequels on their own. 

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By Brenda Lyttle for The healthy mommies Magazine

Brenda Lyttle is a freelance writer and a work-at-home mommy who loves trying out new ways to enhance the skills of her 12-year old kid and keeps him occupied in fun yet productive activities all day long. Lyttle loves making different superherohalloween  costumes for her kid every year. She commands an authority in writing on parenting, appeal products 2012, healthy living, and other related topics.

This post first appreared on The healthy mommies magazine on may 16, 2012

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